Sunday, October 10, 2010

Delicious Dinner

Last week, I got laid off.  So, while I'm busy finding a new job, I've been working at cutting back in certain extravagant areas of my life, and the main culprit of that is eating out.

So Friday night, the boyfriend and I decided that we would spend the night in and whip up a great meal that would provide us with leftovers for days.  We decided to make a roasted pork tenderloin and tons of vegetables, but in true foodie style, JB couldn't seem to decide on just what we were going to have, so we also made a stuffed brook trout and some oysters for an appetizer.

JB prepping the tenderloin

And, as always, my job was to take care of the dessert.  I turned to my new favourite recipe book, French Women for All Seasons, and whipped up some pears and chocolate mousse.  It was surprisingly one of the easiest desserts I've made, and I still have tons of mousse leftover.  Yum!

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