Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Quick Side Note

Today I received my first nasty comment on my blog.  Considering I never get any comments on my blog, this came as quite a shock to me, and I decided that the best course of action was to just delete it.  After all, unfortunately, I am a human, I do have feelings, and getting a nasty comment, just kinda sucked.  

On this side note, I realized that I can be a super negative person, although I've been trying to keep this in check lately.  Recently, I have been filling my life with positive and happy people and have left myself feeling far more satisfied with my quality of life.  This revelation has made me wonder why people invite negativity in their lives at all.

I don't know about you, but I don't feel particularly great when I make someone else feel bad.  I don't feel better about myself when I push by someone on my way off the subway, or when I complain at a restaurant.  I feel like the nicer I am, the happier I feel about the world around me.  I know it sounds cheesy, but I like the idea of spreading around some sunshine and love, especially in a world that's pretty tough to live in sometimes.

So in response to this nasty comment I received, tomorrow I think I'll smile a little bit more, be less in a rush in the morning, and tell people in my life how great I think they are.  My recent behaviour is quite a change from who I was a few months ago, but I think I'm starting to like this person better....


diehipster said...

Anonymous said...

why on earth would u be in a rush to do anything in the morning? you dont have a job...thats usually why people are rushing an appear unhappy to you...they have to work, cause people depend on them..its called sacrifice, commitment and responsiblity. Some poeple actualy take satisfaction out of providing for their loved ones...and thats the thing that always amazed me was how poeple like yourself live with the guilt.. of being a burden on others. Dont you feel ashamed about being so selfish?

Anonymous said...

People are nasty to you because you are a waste of time, space, and air. You are not a fake hipster, you are a real hipster, or in your lexicon "authentic". You can delete all the comments you want, but that is the opposite of "authentic". In fact it is rather suppressive, similar to many of the "politics of developing countries" that you care sooooo much about.

You manipulate no one except mommy and daddy when they pay your bills and the suckers that read your blog and actually respect your "authenticity" instead of mock you. Thanks to Die Hipster, I'll bet 90% of your readership now consist of people who know how full of shit you are instead of you clan of dumpster diving trust fund douchebags.

Héctor said...

"a world that's pretty tough to live in"?? Try owing up to your responsibilities and take any job you can instead of draining daddy's bank account while you blow it all on expensive organic food and booze all day. I know families who have lived in Brooklyn for generations and are now forced to move with relatives due to hard times and gentrifying spoiled brats like yourself who look at NYC as a big playground as they selfishly blow through all their parents 401K savings so they can act like a "writer" or "artist" while doing absolutely NOTHING. Time to grow up and get a fucking job and contribute to society. If you can't hack NYC go the fuck back to the Midwest.

Anonymous said...

Do mommy and daddy read your blog to experience the vortex that is draining their bank account a.k.a. you; useless mid- 20's girl? I'll bet they don't or they would have cut you off years ago.

Anonymous said...

You and this blog are LAME. Plus you are a fucking twit…I find it hard to believe these are your only negative comments. These are probably YOUR ONLY COMMENTS.

WHy delete instead of having a dialogue?

“I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel particularly great when I make someone else feel bad.”


“Recently, I have been filling my life with positive and happy people and have left myself feeling far more satisfied with my quality of life.”

False. You are a raving alcoholic with narcissistic personality disorder. You are a shitheeled human turd, who thinks Brooklyn is Disneyland. Would you even fucking notice if your life was bad..cuz it is

” I don’t feel better about myself when I push by someone on my way off the subway”

False. You would kick a granny out of the way to get to your next drink bitch. Also, WE WOULD FEEL REAL FUCKING GOOD ABOUT OURSELVES IF SOME NEW YORKER PUSHED YOU IN FRONT OF A MOVING TRAIN.

“I like the idea of spreading around some sunshine and love, especially in a world that’s pretty tough to live in sometimes”

False. You like the idea of your mentally retarded parents CHECKS. You couldn’t hack the reality of a “tough to live in sometimes” world.


The Fake Hipster said...

To all my nasty commenters:

You're right. I was out of work for about a month, and it was difficult to find a job, but I guess it's my fault that I never mentioned that I did in fact start a job last week. This was after a month of sending out roughly 250 resumes. I don't have connections in this city, I don't have a trust fund, and I didn't go to an ivy league school.

I don't blame you for having bad feelings towards hipsters. You are completely entitled to your opinion, and as many of you are probably native New Yorkers, I'm sure that the increased gentrification of your neighborhoods, the ridiculously expensive condos that are going up all over, and those kids that don't work probably do drive you crazy, and I do not blame you at all.

I am more then open to having a dialogue with any one of you, but I refuse to do it negatively. If you would like to talk to me further about this, then please feel free to send me a message with any questions you have.

I consider myself a fake hipster because I don't have that trust fund. Maybe I didn't make that clear, and I'm sorry that I ruined your day :)

Dinah said...
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Dinah said...

Woah woah woah.
Alex, I've perused your blog and found it to be both entertaining and light-hearted. I don't know who these people are but they obviously don't know you or understand your sense of humour.
Don't even give them a second thought. Delete if you want to! Don't even worry about the haters, just do your thing because, newsflash to the angry trolls, that's what blogs are for.

xo Dinah

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

know what's a "waste of time, space, and air"? making shitty statements about people you don't know after having gotten barely a glimpse of who they are, what their lives are like, where they come from, where they are going. anonymously ripping someone apart as a person based on what you read on their website is what is truly lame here. write your own fucking blog, and don't hide behind anonymity, you lazy pussy cowards. sometimes free speech is such a waste...

Anonymous said...

you're such a fake. as someone who's known you for a while, all of these people are justified in their comments. stop trying to be something you're not. go back to your old sandbox, wherever it is, because you sure as hell aren't welcome in this one.

Anonymous said...

I love this blog! I love how you addressed the haters! You are a very talented writer and you are my latest bookmark!! :)

Randy said...

Anything done or said can be twisted up in such a way as a way as to make it seem profound or superficial, petty or glamorous. Seriously, don't sweat it.