Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Point: NYC

My close friends often hear me say that I "hate New York."  I know, I know, how could anyone hate NYC?  Well, being from the west, the land where I have mountains, lakes, trees, and stars at my disposal, I often find myself missing all those things.  Even if I hate all those things, I still have every intention of sticking it out in New York for a while, I have great friends that I love, get to see tons of concerts, have quite the pickings for vintage clothing, and love my living situation.

New York also gained another point for me today, and that is the ability to have anything delivered.  I often try not to be lazy enough to have anything delivered, weather pending, but after being stuck on the couch for two days with the stomach flu (which I have subsequently passed on to my roommate, poor thing), when I ran out of gingerale, and needed some soup today, the deli across the street had everything I needed.  So congrats New York, you won my heart today, even if I spent the time on the couch instead of out enjoying the sunshine.

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Berlin report said...
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