Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Accessorie Must-Have: Jerome Dreyfuss Bone Bag

This morning, I was the office gopher, which took me wandering the streets of Soho as I picked up breakfast for our clients.  I never mind such a thing because the streets of Soho are quiet that time of the morning and because I actually get a chance to peruse all the beautiful window displays without being pushed along by hoards of people, which is a luxury that one rarely gets in this city.

Lately, I've been far too poor to even think about window shopping, for I know it will leave me longing for something I really don't need.  And boy was I right.  I walked by the Jerome Dreyfuss window only to see his new line of Bone bags.  Yes, they are highly impractical, but it would give me that little piece of Halloween that I love all year round.

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