Monday, September 6, 2010

Ways to Be Green in NYC

Last week I got caught up watching The Lazy Environmentalist on Netflix, and I started to realize that most of my daily habits are pretty environmentally friendly.  I thought I would just take a second to share a couple of those tips and everyday things here.

  • Recycling.  I grew up recycling and I have taken that to my adult life.  My roommate and I recycle everything that's possible.  While it still takes energy to recycle, at least I can feel better knowing that it isn't sitting in a landfill.
  • Carry a reusable cloth bag everywhere! I hate when I see people with one item that is getting a new plastic bag when they already have one or don't really need them for that one item.  I have been known to get a little bit extreme with this, but after reading some shocking plastic bag statistics, it's made the transition much more natural.  
  • Start a compost.  I know that this can be a kind of gross subject for people, but if you have the space and ability, it's a great way to turn your food waste (veggies, fruits, leaves, etc.) into something that you can actually use!
  • Shop locally.  This can be more expensive and difficult, but I've managed to make it a priority on my meager salary.  It usually just means skipping a night out with my friends.
  • Eat less meat.  I know it's unrealistic to assume that everyone will become a vegetarian, but if you reduce your meat consumption by 1 meal a day it can make a huge difference in your carbon footprint, as well as your health.
  • Carry a reusable water bottle.  New York State has compiled a great list of quick facts about plastic water bottles.  And most bottled water is city water anyway, so why spend the extra money?
  • Choose natural hygiene products.  I've recently started making the switch to paraben free cosmetics, sunscreen, and natural toothpastes.  I've talked to various doctors about these choices and have been encouraged to do so.  And with parabens possibly being linked to cancer, it seems like not only the most environmentally friendly, but also the safest choices.  
Being more environmentally friendly can be not only be a difficult start, but a daunting task.  I've found that by slowly implementing a few of these things at a time, it quickly becomes second nature!

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