Sunday, September 5, 2010

Vegan Pumpkin Cupcakes

Lately, I've been eating mostly vegan.  Now, I'll spare you all the gruesome details as to why I made this "crazy" choice, but part of the reason is that I wanted to have the opportunity to experiment with vegan cooking and baking.

So last night, I decided that I would welcome my love of fall with these vegan pumpkin cupcakes.  I used a  modified versions of this recipe, and then topped them with a vegan cream cheese cinnamon frosting.  I added some crystallized ginger on top.  So far, they are eliciting great responses!

The heat in our house made the frosting a little bit melty last night, but after popping them in the fridge they got much better!

Sorry that the pictures aren't great, I'm still learning to use my new camera!

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