Sunday, March 7, 2010

My First Big 2010 Purchase

As I've mentioned before, I don't really care for shopping.  I'd much rather spend my Saturday reading a book then fighting through throngs of people in Soho.  However, sometimes when the mood strikes, you just have to run with it.

Yesterday I deviated from the plan.  The original plan to make a list of purchases I actually needed, and avoid spending money frivolously.  A friend of mine, noticed me looking at the John Fluevog website on Friday and fell in love with some of the shoes.  Being quite familiar with Fluevog, I am always encouraging of biting the bullet and spending a few hundred dollars, and since he had the money to spend, I thought it would be a good idea to take him down to the store on Mulberry and Prince.

And then I walked in and had to see these:

The Mini Zaza's in purple and orange.*  I had known they were going to come out, and I had been trying to avoid the store for this very reason.  The minute I saw them, they were already mine.  Having owned four pairs of Fluevogs already, I am well aware that they are stylish, sturdy, and most importantly, comfortable.  I can walk up and down the streets of this city and back and have no problems.  A rarity for heels.  
Fluevog's aren't cheap, but if you want a shoe that gets looks, you can wear like crazy, an are investment pieces, then these are the shoes you want to go for.  You can order them online, here.  Or if you want to get the best possible Fluevog shopping experience possible, I suggest hitting up one of their stores.  The salespeople are beyond knowledgeable, super helpful, and not the pushy annoying staff that you get at other stores.  If you live in New York, ask for Anton, he's probably the best Fluevog salesperson out there.  The store here is located on Prince and Mulberry, and it's worth dodging the hoards of models and tourists in Soho to check it out.  Here's a couple more pictures for proof and nostalgia :)

My new favorite Fluevogs.  The purple and orange are just obnoxious enough for me to want to own.  If only they were purple and gold, they could be my Viking's shoes.  Are you listening John Fluevog?

* Thank you to two of my favorite people in the world, Anton and Paige for spoiling me on my birthday and allowing me to afford these.  

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