Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Poser Girl in the City: Day 1

So I got to New York last night without any problems, except the fact that I don't have a place to live, and they didn't have my luggage. Yeah, American Airlines lost my luggage. Apparently it got in today and was going to be delivered between 12 and 2, which would've been great, aside from the fact that I had orientation on the other side of Manhattan at 1. So 12-2, didn't really work so well for me. Now I'm simply waiting on it from 6-10 last night, real small window there, thanks guys. I just hope my luggage comes closer to 6 rather then 10.

In other news, I'm frantically looking for an apartment, but my friend and her roommates have been so awesome, they are completely welcoming and understanding. But, me being me, I feel like a huge burden so of course I'm trying to get out of their hair as quickly as possible.

I had my registration at Lee Strasberg today. I'm excited, but the school is not at all what I expected it to be. I guess I'll just have to go and see what it's like. Prior to registration I ate at a cafe next door, it was really yummy, but unfortunately it wasn't a ton of food (not that I need a ton), but now I'm left with a rumbling in my stomach and I have no clue where to eat.*

I got in a fight with the ex-boyfriend today. It's really hard to be away from someone you care about, but it makes it even harder when you don't cope with that the same way. My way of coping is trying to stay close, supporting him, talking, greiving, and realizing it is what it is. His way is to party it out of his system. I guess I just have trust issues and him partying makes me feel like he's celebrating my departure instead of mourning it. Oh well, it is what it is. I'm going to have a nap.

*Reason #472 for wanting a place to call home: So I can buy groceries!

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