Saturday, November 21, 2009

Guess Who's More Famous Then You?

Ok, so I don't go out too often on Saturday nights. My Sunday's are consumed with a lovely 12 hour bar shift, and I HATE being tired for it, so instead, I come home and spend a night in front of the TV, well tonight, I was in for a treat.

After consuming a couple drinks, and some hot wings with my roommate, we came home, only to see that Prince's Purple Rain was on. Now, if you read my last post, you will realize that I am obsessed with Prince, especially Purple Rain. Now, my roommate hates the fact that I'm making her watch this, she keeps saying things like "Prince was awful in concert," to which my clever retort is "well, he's much more famous then you," and she just pulled out "Alex, this movie is over 20 years old," to which I quickly responded "well, I'm over 20 years old." Yes, I am clever, but more importantly so is Prince.

Can I just say a few things. The first, his mustache and eyelashes make me want to be pretty. The second, his poet shirts make me want to be pretty. And third, okay, he just makes me want to be pretty. Prince may be a bit crazy, and a bit washed up. But he will always be pretty, and probably more famous then me.

And with that, I shall retreat to my bed, listen to the best of Prince, and wear my vintage Purple Rain tee. Have a good night.

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