Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Favorite Bar: Black Rabbit

Between working as an intern for an event marketing/public relations company, and waiting tables to pay my bills, I rarely get a night off. When I do, it usually entails me getting wasted with co-workers, or attempting to juggle dates with whatever boy may be in my life at the time. However, summer time inspires me to be better, with the growth of flowers and greenery, I feel this opportunity to start anew, make up for all the mistakes I've made in the past few months and join the smiling legions of peers in my neighborhood. The easiest way to join these happy people is to feel at home in my area. I've made this decision to create a community; attending events, weekly brunchs, concerts, meeting new people and trying new bars.

Well, act one in my quest for a community was to find a trivia night that I could attend semi-regularly. I'm a trivia junkie, and after trying multiple trivia nights in the city, I have found one that I want to stick with. Tuesday nights, at Black Rabbit, in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. After talking my roommate into joining me, we got our spot at the bar, and embarked on an epic adventure that would leave me excited, knowledgable, and a bit hungover.

Some of the questions were entirely ridiculous and esoteric (playing a song from a Blur album and asking us to name the album, really?), and others were questions that everyone should know (like the picture round of dictators). Bonus questions were fun, and equaled a shot of absinthe (next time I plan on not drinking so much beer and just getting bonus questions continually correct). The crowd was great, drinks reasonably priced, great atmosphere, and the bartender is social and comfortable (something I find to be strangely lacking in many Williamsburg/Greenpoint bars)

All in all, I will be attending this trivia night in the future, I may have to recruit a few more troops though, my knowledge may be vast in certain areas, but severly limited in others. It's definitely one of the better trivia nights I've experienced and hey, I can walk home after several shots of absinthe. Ya can't beat that.

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