Thursday, July 9, 2009

If Only I Were 15: My Love of Twilight

Okay, right now my Netflix Queue is full of classic thrillers, Elizabeth Taylor films, experimental film collections, and the occassional b-rate horror film. I stray away from Michael Bay action films, spoof movies, and tween phenomenons. Therefore, Twilight is no where near my Netflix radar.

Don't get my wrong, I love vampires. I own the entire Buffy collection, have written essays on Near Dark, and Nosferatu, and have a "Vampires in Literature and Film" course on my university transcripts. But something about a mass culture flick about teen vampires is just NOT appealing. However, when my roommate received Twilight in the mail, I was a bit curious.

Maybe it was the martini, or the raging hormones that have been taking over my body as of late, but I have to admit, I get it. I understand the phenomenon. It's not well written, not well acted, and the cinematography and CGI is repulsive. But not too unlike Harry Potter, there is something that appeals to the very depths of my soul. Perhaps it is the basic good versus evil plotline, or maybe the "I dream about being with you forever" lovestory, or hell, maybe even Robert Pattinson's dreamy good looks, but I enjoyed Twilight.

I'm not proud to admit it, and I'm not about to read the novels, but next time someone talks about their undying love for teenage vampires, I may not give them such a hard time. After all, with the Robert Pattinson montage of pictures cut out from Bop and TeenBeat, am I really one to talk?

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