Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Where to Eat: Elephant and Castle

Located in the West Village, Elephant and Castle is a small, reasonably priced restaurant that a close friend and I happened to stumble upon one night. I am all about trying new places to eat, trying new cuisine's and pairings that I would have never originally thought could go together.

I guess I actually didn't really do that this time, but she did, so I'll live vicariously through her decisions. For a casual, late-night dinner, she decided on a shrimp and bacon sandwich, while I stuck with potato, leek, and bacon soup. Both sound like standard, American fare, but ended up being a pleasant surprise to the palate. A surprising element was added to her sandwich with the basil vinaigrette. And my soup? A complete surprise. While I had expected a creamy tomato with nice chunks of leek and bacon, I ended up with a brothy tomato based soup with lots of veggies, somewhat disappointing until the first bite.

For dessert? Roasted hazelnut, chocolate, and whip cream crepe (split between the two of us). Elephant and Castle isn't anything super special, but it IS delicious, so if you're in the area, looking for something reasonably priced with a great atmosphere, check it out.


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