Friday, March 20, 2009

Lindsay Lohan Fornarina Commercial

Okay, I pretend to be this really cool indie chick. And sometimes I am, but sometimes I have absolute pathetic tastes that I'm ashamed of. One is my desperate hope that one day, maybe just some day, Lindsay Lohan can revitalize her career.

I know, she's tacky. She's annoying, she's a fame whore, but all in all, she is an ok actress and there is something about her that I want to see thrive. I read all the gossip articles about her, I enjoy reading interviews with her, and I hope that some day she can get it together.

Well, today is not that day. I just watched her Fornarina commercial, which I refuse to provide a link to because the last thing I want to do is actually show anyone this atrocity.

Let me just describe it for you. A stick-thin, platinum blond Lindsay Lohan, looking very Barbie-esque as 80s neon graphics swirl behind and around her to tacky pop music. Remember Jem from the 80s? It's like Barbie, meets Jem, meets Butter's (from South Park) "Stick it in my Butt" video. Lindsay's job in this whole fiasco? To say words like smack, wink, etc., while getting cheeky with the camera.

After this, I can only feel as though the true reason I am waiting for Lindsay to once again reign supreme is so I can watch it all come crashing down again. It was fun the first time, and I have a feeling that it hasn't lost it's appeal.

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