Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fashion Week: Elie Tahari

Anyone who knows me well, knows that not only is my style highly influenced by music, but is largely influenced by literature. In January, I tackled The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. As I tore through the pages of Rand's philosophy of objectivism, all I could think was "I want to be Dominique Francon." Luckily, I had a close friend who had also read the book, and could relate to my need to be a powerful, savvy, smart, manipulative, sexy, and fierce women in the early 20th century.

So what does this have to do with Elie Tahari? Tahari is one of my to-die-for brands, and I usually wish I could afford every piece. The strange thing, is that Tahari is so beautiful and mature and professional, very unlike my personal style. However, I still find myself coveting every piece in the collection, and Fall 09 is no different. Tahari's pieces somehow bridge eras, generations, and manage to blend architecture, floral, and clean lines. I must have them all. I swear, if Dominique Francon were a character today, she would live in all of Tahari's clothes. In fact, I think this is everything I envisioned her in as I was reading the book. I'm in lust. Sigh.

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