Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fashion and Film: Betsey Johnson versus Streets of Fire

While I was home in Montana last week I spent a day on the couch catching up on movies I had never seen or heard of that my dad loves. Now, what you have to understand about my family is that my parents are young, and therefore, their tastes are not your typical familial tastes. My parents live for the late seventies (hard rock, not disco), and the 80s (and all the gloriously large hair that goes with it, though they haven't went so far as to implement this into their lives, thank god).

Anyway, so my parents have always loved Walter Hill's film, Streets of Fire. When I was younger, I could not have cared less, but now, appreciating Diane Lane for the fine actress she is, I have started to go back and watch her films, so lucky for me, Streets of Fire was on the DVR. Lane's character, Ellen Aim is this hard-rockin' sexpot songstress who gets herself into a bit of trouble. Throughout most of the film she is running around in this black leather and red spandex get-up that is completely unexplainable. And nearly impossible to find a picture of.

Well, I think my beloved Betsey Johnson watched Streets of Fire while designing her fall collection, because this is rather reminiscent of Ms. Ellen Aim:

Or maybe BJ went through a Diane Lane phase, and stole this idea from Ladies and Gentleman, The Fabulous Stains, another Diane Lane film from the 80s. Ahhhh, the 80s, we should have never let you go.

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