Friday, December 5, 2008

Authors I Love: Bret Easton Ellis

I go through a lot of phases. I go through phases of intense exercises, phases of eating peanut butter obsessively, and phases of reading every book by one author. This summer that phase was Bret Easton Ellis. The author of Less Than Zero , The Rules of Attraction, and American Psycho , I couldn't put any of his books down. Sure, they're a bit bizarre, and somewhat graphic (okay, I'm sure American Psycho is super graphic, but I haven't read that one yet, it's happening soon, I promise). I just can't help but love everything about the ease of reading his working, and the attitude of the super privileged.

I'm sure many people have seen the movie versions of his books. I remember watching Rules of Attraction in the days of my youth, but I now have a much bigger appreciation for the film, even if it does star James Van Der Beek (excuse the capitalization and spelling, I don't care enough to look it up). However, if you've seen the 80's classic Less Than Zero starring Andrew McCarthy and a very young and delicious Robert Downey Jr., don't let that be a deciding factor of B.E.E., the movie is a horrible interpretation of the book (in my opinion). The good news is that B.E.E. is supposedly writing a sequel to this book due out in 2010.

I am not a literary critic or genius, but I know what I like, know that I love these books, and all I can do is pass them on. So seriously, go out there and pick one up, I suggest starting with Less Than Zero his first novel, still written when he was a college student on an meth binge. How could you not want to read something like that?

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